Weight Gain

Weight gain might be a simple task for some! But many people struggle to put on a few kilos, despite eating a lot. While artificial supplements are available in the market for weight gain, they come with a lot of potential health hazards. This is why expert recommends some best Ayurvedic medicines for weight gain, which are proven to deliver excellent results.

Why being underweight is not good for your body?

  • Low weight results in a weak immune system of the body and hence has the tendency to catch various infectious diseases and many more.
  • Being underweight gives rise to various problems like osteoporosis and blood vessels problems.
  • Having the right amount of weight according to your age and height is very important for the proper functioning and development of mind and brain.

How To Gain Weight?

Ayurveda uses natural ingredients to help you gain weight. You’re not using drugs or commercial medicines when you resort to Ayurveda, because you’re literally turning to nature. This means you don’t experience any side effects in your body.

  • Ashwagandha churna is a tonic herb that is used for various medicinal purposes. It’s called the ‘Indian Ginseng’ and is adaptogenic, which means it lowers your stress and leaves you feeling emotionally healthy. 100mg a day is a good starting point but you can up the dosage if needed. We recommend taking it in powder form and consuming it with milk for best results.
  • Shatavari is a herb that is used to balance hormones in women. It’s known to increase your weight, hydrate your entire physiology, and give a boost to your digestive system.
  • Chawanprash – If you’re experiencing a lack of appetite, you’ll be happy to know that any Ayurvedic chawanprash will help. It’s known to increase your bone density, strengthen your muscles, and has a nice blend of nutrients that boost your digestive system too.
  • Custard Apple – You may be thinking – but that’s a fruit! Yes, and it’s an Ayurvedic herbal remedy too. If you eat the fruit for a whole month, you’ll notice a gain in your body weight plus your muscles will be stronger and more responsive.
  • Yashtimadhu (Licorice Root) – Licorice Root is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies for weight gain. Low immunity is one of the biggest reasons behind weight loss and you’ll find yourself gaining weight when you fix it. It also improves your stamina, endurance, and repairs your stomach lining, thus improving your nutrient absorption capacity and digestion.

Lifestyle and Dietary Tips Based on Ayurveda for Gaining Weight?

Supplements alone don’t work. They’re a boost to your existing diet. If you eat junk and processed foods a lot, you won’t see good results. But if you’re open to making those changes, here are some tips are complementary to Ayurvedic medicine for weight gain:

  • Exercise And Yoga
    People who are anxious to gain weight must definitely do some form of physical activity. This promotes the appetite and strengthens metabolism.
  • Water Intake
    When thirsty, be sure to take in enough water. The water should be preferably warm water which promotes digestion. If you wish to gain weight drink water after meals.
  • Increase Your Digestive Fire
    According to Ayurveda person should have foods which are easily digestible and yet nourishing in nature. The best example of this would be soups and porridge.
  • Add Ghee To Your Food
    Ghee has the ability to increase body dhatus or tissues. It also increases the appetite and digestion, while reducing vata. So persons desiring to gain weight must add a teaspoon of ghee to their lunch.
  • Add Dry Fruits And Nuts
    Soak figs and dates in milk for a few hours and then enjoy. This will increase weight naturally. Eat 4 to 5 almonds everyday. Foods which are made of ghee, milk and organic sugar served hot would be ideal. Milk puddings made of rice, green gram and even vegetables like carrots and white pumpkins can be made into this type of dessert.