Nadi Pariksha

What is Nadi Pariksha?

Nadi Pariksha is the ancient ayurvedic technique of diagnosis through the pulse. It can accurately diagnose physical, mental and emotional imbalances as well as diseases. It is a non- invasive science that enables to reach the root cause of health issues and not just address the symptoms.

Nadi Pariksha understands the vibratory frequency of the pulse at various levels on the Radial artery. Subtle vibrations are read at seven different levels vertically downward that help in ascertaining various functions in the body. The pulse, when examined, reveals both physical & mental characteristics of the patient. This is interpreted in the form of symptoms along with their prognosis, which helps in understanding the cause.

How Is the Ayurvedic Pulse Analysis Conducted?

Pulse diagnosis or Nadi Pareeksha is done using the signals obtained from the three precise locations on the wrist at the radial artery using the index, middle and ring fingers corresponding to Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The signals obtained from these locations are not only due to the contraction and relaxation of blood vessel but also a result of movement of blood through the artery. The Nadi Vaidyas use their experience and skill for accurate pulse reading. Any change in the nature of signal felt is a means of diagnosis of disease. The different waveforms obtained from vata, pitta, and kapha nadi have a shape similar to that of movement of a snake, frog, and swan.

What is the significance of Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis?

The term Nadi refers to the pulse, nerves, veins, arteries, and some sort of channel passage of physiological and biological signals. It is a comprehensive method, which and helps to reach the root cause of health issues, not merely by addressing the symptoms. Nadi Pareeksha or the pulse diagnosis forewarns you about potential health risks. It gives you an insight on how to optimize your health in accordance with the elements which are predominant in your body. It provides you with a personalized and individual prognosis which is detailed and accurate. Several chronic diseases like diabetes, infertility, obesity, hypertension, paralysis, mental disorders, severe joint pains and skin diseases can be detected by using this Nadi pareeksha.