
Also called underactive thyroid/low thyroid is a condition in which thyroid gland does not produces enough thyroid hormone and raised TSH hormone.

Hypothyroidism is more common is woman than male. A larger proportion have subclinical hypothyroid ism.


  • Iodine deficiency
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis ( autoimmune condition ).
  • Radio active iodine
  • Injury to hypothalamus
  • Lack of thyroid functioning


As per Ayurvedic –

As per Ayurvedic diagnosis this can be explained on the basis of agni dysfunctioning. Hypofunctioning of Jatharagni i.e mandagni in turn affects dhatvagni eventually brings out pathological sequence and ultimately the diseased condition develops according to acharya vagbhat this condition is kapha predominant due to margawraodh and predominanrtly rasa,meda, mamsa strotodushti can be seen whose symptoms are similar to that of hypothyroid condition .


Hormonal Supplements

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Panchakarma procedures
  • Yoga
  • Ahar

In this condition panchakarma procedures like vaman i.e therapeutic emesis and nasya i.e nasal drops plays important role in improving gland functioning.

Ayurvedic medications helps to get rid of all symptoms and improve the status of jatharagni & eventually dhatvagni.

Yoga and ahar plays important role along with medication and panchakarma .