
Garbh sanskar is an ancient science of nurturing baby before it is even born, while still in the womb.

Garbh means unborn child and Sanskar means to educate so Garbh Sanskar is a procedure that educate the couples to get healthy ,brilliant,beautiful ,cultured and heredity disease free genius baby.

As per ritual aspect Garbhsanskar means to perform Sanskar (ritual) on couples like Garbhadhan Sanskar, Pusavan Sanskar and Simntonayan Sanskar to get virtuous progeny.

Benificial of Garbh Sanskar

  • Newly Married couples
  • Couples planning for a baby
  • Expected mothers who want to design their dreams
  • Parent Having hereditary disease
  • Couples suffering from infertility

What Garbh Sanskar includes?

In Ayurveda, Garbh Sanskar is the best process to give healthy and intelligent child. Garbh Sanskar is all about to keep your mind in a good state spiritually and emotionally for the healthy growth of the baby. Ayurvedic Garbh Sanskar suggests a set of practices, which include.

  • Eating healthy
  • Positive thinking
  • Do yoga exercises
  • Meditation
  • Listening to music (which brings peace in the mind)
  • Reading DHARMIK or spiritual books
  • Relaxed mind and stay happy

Garbh Sanskar helps us to understand well-scheduled pregnancy. Through this education, pregnant woman learns the way to give mentally and physically healthy child. Mother holds the baby in her womb for nine months and it is not the easy journey for her. She needs the care of her husband and her family as well.

Benefits of GARBH SANSKAR on child:

  • Optimum blend of various personality traits like physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and social (High IQ , EQ, SQ, PQ).
  • Improved immune system.
  • Enhanced observation power.
  • Proper growth & development observed compared to normal / standard growth & development.
  • Creative mind, cool & composed, self-confident, brave, fun loving.
  • Garbh-sanskar also helps to mitigate the chances of hereditary diseases to a great extent if starts well before pregnancy planning and with full devotion.

Benefits of GARBH SANSKAR on Mother:

  • Occurs healthy and happy motherhood.
  • Less of complications which generally occurs during pregnancy i.e. nausea,vomiting,morning sickness,backpain etc.
  • Improves flexibility of mother.
  • Innovates great bonding between mother and baby.
  • Mother’s body gets easily and quickly recover and reshaped.
  • Positive state of mind.
  • Enhance chances of normal delivery.
  • Becomes enjoyable experience for mother.