
This condition occurs due to excessive production of thyroid hormone by thyroid gland and decreased level of TSH.

Hyperthyroid condition is rare as compared to hypothyroid.


  • Thyroiditis
  • Autoimmunity – Graves disease
  • Over consumption of supplemental hormone
  • Anti arrhythmic drugs
  • Excessive lodine consumption


As per Ayurvedic –

Though this condition is not explained directly in ayurvedic test it can be co-relate with agni dysfunctioning.
Hyperfunctioning ( i.e teekshnagni ) of jatharagni in trun affects dhatuagni even tually brings out pathological sequence & ultimately the diseased condition develops. Over/hyper functioning of agni give rise to increased metabolism resulting into symptoms which are commonly seen in hyperthyroidism.


  • Virechan
  • Nasya
  • Internal Medicine
  • Ahar
  • Yoga